Mentor Spotlight
On this final day of National Mentoring Month, we are highlighting 5 mentors who were honored as Woodie Flowers Finalist at the California FRC Regionals in 2012. A few years after helping Dean Kamen create FIRST, Dr. iphone 7 case for sale William Murphy founded the Woodie Flowers Award with the intent to celebrate effective communication in the art and science of engineering and design. cheap iphone xs case outlet This prestigious award recognizes mentors who lead, inspire, and empower using excellent communication skills.
- Level of student participation
- Creativity of effort
- Clear explanation of mathematical, scientific, and engineering concepts
- Demonstration of enthusiasm for science and engineering
- Encouragement to work on projects as a team effort
- Inspiration to use problem-solving skills
- Inspiration to become an effective communicator
- Motivation through communication
AND THE WINNER IS . . . At the 2012 California Regionals there was a large number of impressive nominations. iphone xr case on sales outlet iphone 7 case Your essays described many talented, dedicated mentors. cheap iphone xr case online They spoke of sacrifice, creativity, and inspiration. They explained how much you value their time and efforts and you realize how lucky you are to be associated with mentors such as these. iphone 8 case on sales You made the judges read and reread. As one judge pointed out “There are powerful mentoring forces at work, here, in California” So many Mentors deserve recognition for their amazing contributions to FIRST and your teams, but these 5 rose to the top. cheap iphone xs case outlet outlet iphone xr case online Los Angeles Regional : Mr. outlet iphone 8 case online Jose Ignacio Fernandez of “Chilean Heart” ,Team 2576 Judges’ Description: “The winner was selected because of the unusual stamina and dedication the team described. This mentor literally helped the team survive a national disaster. After creating the first FIRST team in his country seven years ago, and helping an FLL team from a children’s cancer treatment hospital make it from very tough circumstances to winning a prize at the FIRST Championship in Atlanta, he then faced a much bigger challenge. cheap iphone xr case This mentor lost his father in a devastating earthquake that temporarily demoralized the whole country and almost ended FIRST in Chile. iphone xs case for sale He did not give up and convinced the team that working hard and exhibiting Gracious Professionalism was even more important in the wake of tragedy. outlet iphone 8 case online Through his leadership, the team is strong and looking forward. cheap iphone 8 case online They are proud to be competing here in Los Angeles. iphone 8 case outlet As their website says, “When your heart is FIRST, amazing things happen.” Link to: Students’ Essay Submission Silicon Valley Regional: Mr. iphone 8 case outlet iphone 7 case for sale Jim Mori of Quixilver, Team 604
Judges’ Description: “The mentor selected has a long impressive record. cheap iphone 8 case He has deep roots that start with his daughter and FLL. cheap iphone xr case outlet iphone 8 case on sales iphone xr case outlet He launched an FLL program for local schools. When his daughter grew into FRC, he followed. cheap iphone 8 case He restarted an FRC team. cheap iphone xs case outlet He mentors other FRC teams and mentors other mentors. iphone 7 case on sales He has made personal contributions to FIRST that includes access to his machine shop. iphone 8 case outlet He serves on the Planning Committee for this event. outlet iphone xs case He has rules: Work together as a team, explore your ideas, and ask questions.” Link to: Students’ Essay Submission San Diego Regional: Mr. outlet iphone 7 case online Bill Berggren of The Holy Cows, Team 1538
Judges’ Description: “One team’s description of their mentor’s deeds and results stood out above the rest. Students described a per
son who has had a major positive influence on their lives through FIRST. Of course this person goes above and beyond the call of duty in helping the team. Of course this person provides a balanced approach which both guides and challenges the students. iphone xs case outlet This person has also extended the educational opportunities for all students in the San Diego area. cheap iphone xr case outlet His influence is deep and wide.” Link to: Students’ Essay Submission Central Valley Regional: Mr. iphone xs case outlet uk outlet iphone xr case online Ranjit Chahal of MadTown Robotics, Team 1323 Judges’ Description: “This specific mentor rose above the rest, always guiding their team towards balance, success in FIRST, “The Big Picture” and a clear vision of what students can be. iphone xr case outlet uk This mentor teaches through example, to never stop seeking new challenges. iphone xr case outlet uk He pushes the team to keep growing their projects, community outreach, and team involvement. outlet iphone xs case outlet iphone 7 case online iphone xr case outlet iphone xs case outlet uk He leads his team in developing ideas and tackling challenging projects during the summer and fall, reaching out to other FIRST teams. His most notable impact on his team is the implementation of “Real World” engineering. He inspires his team to become effective communicators by allowing them to present their ideas to engineers from various companies where they have to defend their ideas as they are critiqued. iphone 8 case for sale iphone xs case outlet iphone 7 case outlet This mentor says, “Every day I meet kids that believe Science & Engineering is hard, along with math. outlet iphone xs case online iphone 7 case for sale They believe you have to be a super nerd to join robotics. I disagree, anyone can do this. iphone xs case for sale outlet iphone 8 case I know people say its not about building a robot, it honestly isn’t. cheap iphone 8 case outlet But the skills you get out of building a competitive robot stay with you for life. I want each and every student to succeed in life.” Sacramento Regional: Dr. cheap iphone 7 case online Eric Nelson of Harker Robotics, Team 1072
Judges’ Description: “One essay speaks to the growth of an engineering facility, and how ready access to tools empowers students to explore engineering options and to think for themselves. iphone xr case outlet uk The essay speaks to how these students learned to work together to recognize and correct problems, and that ideas should be analyzed objectively and discussed fully before they are accepted into a design. Providing access to tools, fostering respect for the design process, and communicating trust in student’s abilities, helped this team bootstrap their engineering program, and realize significant engineering achievements…including designing and building the tools used to design and build their robot.