PG&E Corporation Foundation Grant
Grants for FRC and FTC teams!
The PG&E Corporation Foundation and Patti Poppe’s (PG&E Corporation CEO) family foundation, DreamMakers Fund, are graciously sponsoring FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST Robotics Competition teams in Northern California and all of their service areas for the 2022-23 FIRST season! Their program support also includes sponsorship of FTC and FRC competitions and events across Northern California.
Below is Patti Poppe’s sponsorship announcement during the FIRST Robotics Competition Silicon Valley Regional earlier this year.
Sharing the video I made to help kick off today’s @FRCTeams Competition in #SanJose! @FIRSTweets has been near + dear to my family in Michigan (@FIRSTinMichigan + @FRC67!) & now here in #CA @FIRSTinCA – excited for our young #STEM #engineers! #firstinspires #omgrobots pic.twitter.com/eoB3a82dlK— Patti Poppe (@poppepk) April 9, 2022
If your team is interested in applying for PG&E team funding, for the 2022-23 FIRST season, one of the team’s two lead Coach/Mentors must complete the application by deadlines listed below.
Application open to FTC & FRC teams in the PG&E service areas that meet at least one of the PG&E funding priorities.
- PG&E employee mentored team
- Title I school
- Over 50% under-represented team members (Female, Non-Binary, Black/African American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Students with Disabilities)
- Public school
Application Deadlines:
9/30/22 – Priority
10/28/22 – Final
10/26/22 – Final