COVID-19 Impact on FIRST Events in California
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update for FIRST Events in California
(March 10, 2020)
In this challenging time, the fundamental guiding principle we have used, and will continue to use, is that we will follow the guidance and policies as established by community and public health officials when making decisions regarding event planning.
Postponded Events
As a result of the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the San Francisco and Silicon Valley FRC Regionals and the Santa Clara FLL Jr Expo have been postponed out of an abundance of caution and with the health and safety of our communities in mind. With evidence of community transmission in these areas, we are following the California Department of Public Health recommendation of cancelling mass gatherings in affected areas.
Currently Scheduled Events
The California Department of Public Health has not however recommended cancelling mass gatherings in counties without evidence of community transmission. So the remaining California FRC Regionals (San Diego, Central Valley, Ventura, Sacramento, Monterey Bay, Orange County, and Aerospace Valley) and the Folsom FLL Jr Expo (April 19) and FLL Int’l Open (May 15-17) are still planned to continue at this point.
What can you do?
As we move forward with the remaining events in California, we are sharing our plan around Coronavirus (COVID-19) with you and ask that you take necessary precautions at your Regional events.
In addition to the guidelines below, please consider bringing your own hand sanitizer, wipes and tissues to the competition. While FIRST will make every attempt to have supplies on hand, you may have noticed that there is a shortage in stores.
We will NOT be loaning out Safety Glasses.
Per the latest guidance from FIRST, will not be loaning out safety glasses as we can not ensure their cleanliness. Teams will be responsible for providing their own safety glasses for their team members and guests and we recommend that you do not share them. Again, we will not be loaning out safety glasses and you will not be allowed in the pits unless you have your own.
We recognize this is an inconvenience and will limit pit access to the general public but feel it can be a valuable step to help ensure the safety and comfort of our event guests.
If you’re sick, stay home!
If you are at high risk, please do not attend the event.
The California Department of Public Health recommends those at higher risk from COVID-19 to take actions to reduce their risk, which includes staying away from large gatherings. This includes older adults, individuals with compromised immune systems, and individuals who have serious chronic medical conditions.
Practice preventative measures.
There are some basic preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze, by coughing into your elbow (vampire cough) to help keep your hands clean. If you use a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and clean your hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a face mask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
What is FIRST doing?
In this challenging time, the fundamental guiding principle we have used, and will continue to use, is that we will follow the guidance and policies as established by community and public health officials when making decisions regarding event planning. These policies include travel advisories and other prevention recommendations.